
Dangerous Destinations Hardcover or PDF for any Fantasy RPG!

Created by Nord Games

The definitive guide to creating intriguing and dynamic destinations for storytelling and fantasy roleplaying games!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Whirlwind 24 Hours
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 11:12:28 AM

Hi everyone, Andrew here!

We've crossed the 24-hour mark and what a 24-hours it has been! The turnout we've had has been nothing short of astonishing. As Chris as mentioned, this project has shattered many of our previous records (nearly $75k in the first day?!) and is on track to keep doing so likely for the duration of the campaign. The credit for that goes to all of you.

I've said it many times before, but it bears repeating: without our community; our returning fans, and new ones (welcome!), we couldn't do this. Without you, we at Nord wouldn't have the jobs we do. Our gratitude can't really be accurately described with words, but suffice it to say that you all mean a very great deal to us and our families.

Over the past year, with the effects of the pandemic setting in and having a massive effect on the entire globe, it has been very easy to wonder what the future holds and to fall into pessimistic thinking. It's only natural. But we feel that perhaps more than any other time in recent memory, games are more important than ever. They have shown themselves to be a light in the darkness. They're a way for us to remember that there's more to life than worry, frustration, and negativity. They can help us to remember the best things in life, like friendship, joy, faith, hope, love, and positivity.

Seeing you all come out in such record numbers to support this project has been so reaffirming and inspiring to us. It's a brilliant flame of hope that you all played a part in.

So thank you, all of you, not only for supporting this project but for being a reminder that even when things can seem really rough, we're a community. We're all friends and co-conspirators who have been drawn together by this wonderful, nerdy, awesome hobby. That means so very much, and you each deserve to feel incredibly good about the part you've played in that.


Stretch Goals. As an update to the stretch goals, I wanted to touch on a major addition we've included. Basically, everything beyond the $65k mark will simply be discretionary. You've all blown through the stretch goals so fast that keeping up has been incredibly difficult lol. What these discretionary funds will allow us to do is address the needs of the book, and add things to the project on an as-needed basis. It also will allow us to perhaps include other interesting things or surprises so long as they're reasonable.


Sharing. Please take a moment to share the following link with all of your friends via social media, email, text message, etc. It really helps to keep the momentum going:

Live Stream. If you missed it live, you can watch the recording of our most recent stream at the bottom of the post. Also, for the duration of the campaign, we will be going live every Tuesday at 10am PST. Tune in for more sneak peeks and design sessions. Add the events to our calendar here:


Lastly, I just want to say thank you again. You're all the best, and we look forward to the adventures ahead with bright eyes, full hearts, and great expectations.

Best Regards,


We Funded!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 11:12:26 AM

Thanks to all of you we funded in just 15 minutes! A new record! Right now, just a few hours into the campaign, we are setting even more records. This is the most funding we've ever received on day 1, and Kickstarter has seen fit to select Dangerous Destinations as one of their Projects We Love! w00t!

Stretch Goals. We've already blown past 8 of our 11 stretch goals (as of posting this update), and the momentum continues!

Sharing. Please take a moment to share the following link with all of your friends via social media, email, text message etc. It really helps to keep the momentum going:

Live Stream. Thank you to everyone who joined us for the live stream this morning as the project went live. If you missed it live you can watch the recording below. Don't forget that we will be going live every Tuesday at 10am PST. Tune in for more sneak peeks and design sessions. Add the events to our calendar here:

Thank you all for your pledges! This book is going to be epic!

Happy gaming!
